How to Make Your Raving Experience More Epic

You may have clicked on this article as a beginner raver. After my years of going to raves, I can confidently say that it is not all fun and games… While it is mostly fun and games, there can be a lot of challenges when raving and there are some typical obstacles you may run into during your raving experiences.

In this article, I am going to go over some tips that I would like to share with you that could help you get more out of your experience.

Pick your circle wisely.

This is one of the most obvious things about making sure your rave experience is epic. The people you go with will without a doubt make or break the experience. It is so extremely important to choose your circle carefully and go to raves with those who have your wellbeing in mind. Raving can be an extremely intense bonding experience filled with vulnerabilities. In my next few points below I will elaborate on why this is so important.

Time Management.

With such a formal title, you may get the wrong impression. When I say time management is key, I am referring to lots of things.

For example, plan out your restroom breaks! Usually, between sets, a stage will give designated ‘potty’ breaks… ALWAYS use them, even if you don’t necessarily feel like you need to. Go to the restroom before heading to a stage and/or in-between stages/sets.

Even if you are walking past a loo, always seize the opportunity! You don’t want to be that friend that makes someone leave the main stage to go with you to the loo. Using the restroom is just one of the many examples I could use where time management is necessary to make sure you are getting the most out of your time.

Don’t be a flake.

Nothing is worse than a flakey friend. We all have that one friend that seems like he likes the idea of doing something or enjoys talking about doing something more than actually doing it.

Don’t plan a rave with a friend who is known for being super flakey as it can get pretty stressful trying to sort out tickets with friends that are unsure or have a hard time following through with things. It is really important to be on the same page as your rave mates. Don’t waste too much time trying to organize a plan with your friends who are not 100% in it!

Don’t kill the vibe!

One inevitable thing that you learn about after going to a number of raves is that everyone has their own shit-show at some point. Whether that is getting too drunk and vomiting, or perhaps losing your shit after one too many tabs, everyone has their moments.

Obviously, the advice would be to keep a lid on yourself and use substances responsibly, however, that advice goes out the window when you are there in the moment. All I am saying is do your best to not kill the vibe so you and your friends can all have a drama-free time!

A rave is supposed to be a temporary escape from reality where anything goes as long as everyone is having a good time… Keep the vibe high and keep your shit together as much as possible.

Practical Packing.

Put a lot of thought into your packing. I am the ‘mom’ of the friend group, so I always bring things even if I won’t necessarily be using them myself, just to make sure we are fully prepared. Here are some of the essential things I always pack for a rave:

  • Water & Snacks (always pack more than think you need)
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Pads/Tampons (you never know when someone is going to need one)
  • Rain Coats
  • Toilet Paper
  • Baby wipes/hand sanitiser
  • Ibuprofen
  • Solar pad charger for phones/speakers
  • Rubbish bags
  • Electrologist tablets
  • Plasters and a few simple first aid items

Small investments are worth it

There are a few things that are worth buying before joining a rave family. The first is a fanny pack/bum bag (whatever you call it).

This is a massive game changer! It sucks to carry a backpack with you the entire time and also increases the chances of someone nicking something from your bag without you noticing. A fanny pack is a small investment that is a must, in my opinion.

Make sure you get one that is big enough to fit your phone, cash, ID, and whatever else you need to have on you whilst you are away from your tent.

Additionally, a hydration pack is also super handy to have as well and could save you and your friends from serious dehydration which can be a downer. Always stay hydrated!

Dress to Impress

One thing I love about going to a rave is that you can literally dress however the f*ck you want and no one can say anything about it!

Do you and go all out if you feel like it, however, I will say that it is important to take practicality into account when planning your outfits. Yes, you want to make sure your outfits make you feel confident but you also need to make sure they are comfortable.

I have planned rave fits before that I was in love with only to realize about 4 hours into the day that my outfit was extremely uncomfortable and I regretted the outfit that I pulled together, despite how fabulous it made me look. That being said, plan something fun and extra, but make sure it is realistic for you to be moving around and (likely) sweating in said outfit for hours on end.

Prop it up!

Something I like to do is bring props with me. Some people take this step to the next level and plan props that make their raving experience much more difficult just so they can make someone’s day.

Have you ever been to a rave, tripping balls when two dudes walk past you dressed up like a dragon and it absolutely blew your mind? No? Just me? Okay, well it can happen!

While those kinds of people that go out of their way for costumes and props are doing the lord’s work, you can also make your raving experience better with smaller props. For example, I have a pair of kaleidoscope glasses that I bring with me to every rave.

I have strings tied to them so I can let them hang around my neck when I am not using them. They are super easy to take around with me and can make your rave 10x more epic if you pull them out at the right time!

Plus, I love getting lost in a crowd and placing my glasses on random raver’s faces and watching their minds being blown right in front of me… Pure magic!

Find a designated ‘meet up’ spot

We all know that a major complication can be constantly losing your mates in a large crowd. When this happens, it is easy to spend the rest of the set trying to find each other rather than enjoying the moment.

Although you should always be checking your phone, especially if one of your friends goes missing, sometimes this is not possible. For example, your friend’s phone could be dead or maybe it has lost its signal. Either way, it is super helpful to have a spot that your whole crew is aware of that you can use to find each other when things go wrong.

Make sure this spot is something that you cannot miss. For example, make the meetup spot under the massive 20 meter mushroom near the main stage or by the graffiti wall. Something that you can all find, no matter how many mushrooms you and your friends have been munching on throughout the night.

Closing thoughts:

Overall, my number one tip is to have fun, let go, but just be smart about it! Go absolutely wild but also plan accordingly and don’t make poor decisions! Our lives are so incredibly finite so make the most out of it! You can make lifelong memories at raves and create extremely deep connections that could last years and years to follow.

Be kind, be smart, and spread your love! Happy raving!

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